To Tread Upon Kings, Volume I: My Lady


my lady

Rescued from the axe of her uncle Lordan's headsman, Princess Aeodhan flees Shansor with the expectation of living out her days in humble circumstances.  But when her nobles and a neighboring king plan to use her for their own political purposes—purposes that include returning the Guardians to their former glory—she is forced to escape to a reclusive community of outcasts if she is to have any hope of choosing a life for herself.

Her past will not release her so easily, however. When her uncle attacks her new home with dark magic—a magic she finds alluring—she returns from hiding to claim her throne, but to save her people, she must resist its tempting call.


An excerpt from an early draft of To Tread Upon Kings, Volume I: My Lady won the 2007 Novel Excerpt Contest put on by award-winning author Tosca Lee.

Status: complete